Why We Travel
Everywhere Else I went after that was sort of ruined
The year was 2012, and when I woke the first morning in Portmagee,
I knew the day was finally upon us. You could feel the ocean hanging in the air as soon as you stepped outside - it was cold, and with heavy clouds building, I didn’t have much hope. Would we get to see the islands on our way out after all this work to get here?
Thousands of miles traveled all to take a boat that’s far too small with waves far too large across 7.4 nautical miles of ocean to the ultimate monastery of isolation. Keep this North Atlantic memory in the back of your mind for a short time and follow me down the travel rabbit hole, I’ll bring you back to Ireland’s magical Skellig Islands before long.
I don’t know how you found yourself reading these words, but I’m glad you’re here. Setting upfront expectations are always good, so let me start with what this is not. I can’t bring you the best live flight pricing, insider knowledge on border closings around the world, or tell you how to get the most SkyMiles on your credit card.
What I can share with you are the destinations you want to go to, from someone who’s actually been there. Powered by two million miles of travel mistakes, I’m talking specifically about places I’m dying to get back to. I hope they inspire you to take action, because if you’re not planning on going somewhere soon, then when are you going to quit lying to yourself and actually go? Right now, if that’s what you’re interested in, there’s a variety of well-timed opportunities just waiting to fill the void.
It’s never been easier to make excuses not to travel. Pick your biblical plague, your favorite month and year of this new roaring ‘20s and you’ll hit the dartboard every time. I don’t have to shout it - it’s a strange time to be alive. Tell me if this sounds familiar: An unworthy yet collective illusion around the idea we’re living through the second VHS tape of a movie called “World goes to Hell in a hand basket,” director’s cut edition. If you don’t think the world has found itself in a place where a whole host of generations need the wisdom, experiences and mistakes that come almost only from exploring, meeting and learning about people other than yourself, then you need to get out more. I’ll be happy to help with that.
Fill out the email box below, and each week you’ll get a new travel destination delivered straight to your inbox. These travel plans draw from the over 48 destinations included in my members-only Travel Library and will include links if you want to take action and set course for one of my favorite places. Although I’ve been lucky to travel internationally a good bit over the last three decades, I’m spending almost all of my time these days traveling America.
The older I get and more flexibility I require (desire?), the more often the good old fashioned American road trip has been my travel method of choice. I’m fortunately equipped with a three-quarter-ton diesel truck carrying a small studio apartment on the back so that’s not exactly roughing it. But seriously, y’all have been to the airport lately right? Most of the time it feels like you accidentally stumbled into a UFC fight you didn’t pay for and definitely don’t want to attend. If the screaming babies don’t get you, the lizard spotting hungover bachelorette express will, you know?
Whatever method of travel combat you choose to arrive at these destinations, you can rest assured I took the long and slow route to get there. Because more time in the place we spent so much time and effort to arrive at is never a bad thing. The more frequently I travel overland instead of jumbo jet, the more I find myself running out of reasons to interact with the Transportation Security Administration.
The common thread in choosing where to point the truck toward lately has been all in pursuit of being wowed. Hopefully, that’s OK to say out loud - I mean, we’re looking to be in total awe, right? Where you want to spend your time when not required to be at work / in your local community / home for the holidays is on the road! There’s no better place to learn, discover and understand what the hell is going on outside of the crap on TV and social media. I can promise you it’s good for your brain.
Thematically, the destinations in the weeks that follow will range far and wide. Although I’m based just outside Nashville, TN, the Detroit diesel runs nearly 600 miles before we have to pull over for gas - or roughly the equivalent of a small Cessna aircraft. You’ll find National Parks scattered across the Western USA alongside hidden favorites in the South’s coastal low-country.
I hope you’re as fortunate as I was and can find yourself crossing the North Atlantic on your way to Skywalker’s house. But if you find yourself looking for more… accessible options geographically speaking, you’re in the right place. Because travel is one of those things that does tend to inspire via word of mouth, I hope this content series finds you in a state of trip planning. If not, I would at least humbly ask yourself permission to decide when it will be time, if not now to disappear and go experience something real you can’t get from a screen. Until then, if you have thoughts, feedback or requests for destination coverage, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
You’ve been everywhere else but here.
How photographers helped create The National Parks
Lighthouses of The Outer Banks
Join The members-only Travel Library
stop working. start traveling.